Bad Woman | Motorhead |

Bad Woman

Testo Bad Woman

Shoot me down, baby look at you move
Dancing like you ain‘t got a thing to lose
Your fight for breath
Way you look scare a man to death

I can‘t speak, my heart‘s on fire
You‘re the focus of my desire
Can‘t be real, can‘t be true
You might be a virgin, but you ain‘t brand new

I know you‘re a bad, bad woman
Turn around and you‘ll see me coming
I know you‘re a bad, bad woman
Good enough for me

Here I come baby watch my smoke
Gotta getcha and it ain‘t no joke
I hope your body ain‘t telling me lies
You bring a tear to my lying eyes

I wish I could, I wish I might
Get the wish I wish tomight
Drive me crazy turn me inside put
Gotta have you baby, ain‘t no doubt

I know you‘re a bad, bad woman
Turn around and you‘ll see me coming
I know you‘re a bad, bad woman
Good enough for me

Give it up baby, let me jump your bones
Fired up, almost grown
Can‘t believe you want me too
Here I come honey, woop - de - do

I know you‘re a bad, bad woman
One look and you set me running
I know you‘re a bad, bad woman
Good enough for me

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